
アプリ開発(主にUnity)に関する技術情報を掲載中。開発中に得たIT Tipsも発信します。



ブログ 最新記事

【Unity】AdmobSDKバージョンアップでビルドエラー 【Unity Hub】The Hub has encountered a critical error and must close. 【Unity】LayoutGroup管理下のTextMeshProのサイズを動的に変化させる 【Unity】LayoutGroup管理下のTextMeshProのサイズを動的に変化させる java.lang.unsupportedoperationexception this feature requires asm7 see the console for details java.lang.unsupportedoperationexception this feature requires asm7 see the console for details 運動会用ズームレンズで月の撮影 An infinite import loop has been detected. The following Assets were imported multiple times, but no changes to them have been detected. Please check if any custom code is trying to import them: An infinite import loop has been detected. The following Assets were imported multiple times, but no changes to them have been detected. Please check if any custom code is trying to import them: STATE_ERROR.VALIDATION_ERROR.10 Failed to fetch the following dependencies: com.google.games:gpgs-plugin-support:+ 【Unity】Admobのテスト広告が表示されない。 【Unity】Consoleでログの詳細を表示できない。